Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cherry Money Baby - John Cusick

Date Started - November 1, 2014
Date Finished - November 18, 2014

Ok, I have no idea why it took me so long to finish this book - it is honestly not a book that should have taken that long to read. I think I was just not having a reading moment, you know?

So the book is a fun premise: poor yokel Cherry (I say yokel though she is from outside of Boston simply because it seems to fit) has a life she is pretty happy with - I mean, who isn't happy working at the Burrito Barn, refusing her father's request that she consider college, and visiting her boyfriend in the next trailer over (because of course she lives in a trailer park)...only those with the wisdom of 17 years! Anyway she is living her life when bam! everything changes because she saves a famous person who is choking at the Burrito Barn. That's when life gets turned right upside down for our Cherry...

Ardelia - a famous Brit - starts inviting Cherry to hang out and little by little Cherry's perspectives start to change. Amazingly, she discovers that she likes organic chocolate. And going a little crazy at parties with celebrities. Then along the way she gets hired by Ardelia to help find a surrogate to have Ardelia's baby. And Ardelia ends up wanting Cherry to do it. So they find themselves at Ardelia's ancestral home in England when everything comes crashing down, Cherry realizes she doesn't like who she's become (blah blah blah) and Cherry can't have Ardelia's baby because she is pregnant!

Ok, so this is supposed to be about Cherry's journey of self-discovery (per the book description on amazon). And I suppose it is - she tries out another life and realizes she likes what she has. But here's the thing that bugged me: she basically ends up exactly where her dad predicted she would be with the exception of working at the Burrito Barn (she ends up with a job in a fertility clinic...how..exactly?). I don't know it just kind of seemed like...ok, you're 17, pregnant, you still need to graduate from high school and this is the happy ending?

Truth be told, I kind of wanted to see her end up in college.

All that being said, this was a fun read - shouldn't take you more than a few days, so I'd say go for it if you're looking for something light.

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